our story

Every time I landed in Karachi, it was a ritual. Late into the night, in the buzzing city, I found myself at the local chai dhabas with my cousins and friends. The hum of conversations, the shared laughter, and of course, the steaming cups of chai. It was home in every sense.

Back in the Bay Area, after a long day, I often found myself longing for that same warm and inviting atmosphere - a cozy space to catch up, to reminisce, to just 'be'. That's when elaichi co. began to take shape in my mind.

But, behind every aspiration lies a deeper motive, and for me, it was bringing my fragmented family back together. My Baba has always been our backbone and yet he's always been on the move, whisked away by work most of the year. His frequent absences felt like a missing piece in a jigsaw puzzle. But, we held on, each of us dreaming of a day when our scattered pieces would come together, painting a complete picture.

So, when Baba suggested we should start elaichi co. together, it wasn't just about chai or business. It was about stitching together those fragmented memories, about rebuilding and rejuvenating those lost times. More than just a brand, it's our story, our effort to bring together not just our family, but the entire community over shared moments and cherished cups of chai.